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bonus-tape bonus-tape bonus-tape bonus-tape bonus-tape

Bonus Tape - 200m Rolls

~ High-quality and strong adhesive tape suitable for a range of applications ~ Save up to 10% ~ Can withstand cold temperatures


These 200m rolls of bonus tape are a high-quality, hot melt tape designed for the manual sealing of cartons and other general packaging. They have excellent adhesive properties suitable for a wide variety of surfaces while being highly resistant to the cold so are ideal for items held in cold storage. Because of its superior roll size, the space needed to store the tape can be reduced by up to two thirds. This not only optimises space in your warehouse but also reduces the amount of times that the operator needs to change the roll making them more convenient to use.

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From only £300.94 / pack 36
BONS/B £401.26 Inc VAT


  • 200m of quality tape on each roll
  • Fewer tape changes = higher output
  • Save more when you buy just 3 packs
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W x L (mm x m)
50mm x 200m
- +
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All Prices Exclusive of VAT


In order to make full use of Bonus Tape, you’ll benefit from a Bonus Tape dispenser. This dispenser not only allows the Bonus Tape to be applied smoothly and efficiently but it has been specially designed to reduce noise to optimise your working environment.


  • Extra large size means Bonus Tape roll needs to be changed less often
  • This big tape takes up to 2 thirds less space than conventional tape
  • Bonus Tape is highly resistant to the cold so is excellent for cold storage
  • The jumbo tape with superb adhesive qualities
  • Bonus Tape is suitable for a variety of surfaces for your convenience
  • Works with a Bonus Tape Dispenser for noise-reduced tape dispensing
  • Tape should be stored in a dry environment, at a temperature between 15ºC and 25ºC, if different to the above bring the tape back to suggested temperature before application

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