Facilities Management


4 Ways to Reduce Damage in Your Warehouse

Accidents are bound to happen within the warehouse, but there are plenty of things that you – as the company owner – can do to reduce the risk of damage occurring to products. It is estimated that approximately 1% of stock is wasted due to impairment every year. This figureRead More

Customer considerations: what you need to know about lean manufacturing

lean manufacturing

Lean manufacturing is a method that maximises customer value while minimising waste. Originating in Japanese car manufacturing — it was Toyota who became first associated with it. In fact, Toyota first used the principles of lean manufacturing in the late 1940s, before the term ‘lean’ was even coined. Toyota flourishedRead More

Can revolutionise your manufacturing process?

revolutionise the manufacturing process

Packaging, as we have mentioned before in this blog, is primarily thought of as a means of storing and/or transporting goods and products safely and effectively; used well and wisely while so doing, it can save money, reduce damages, advise of special handling or storage requirements, work as a marketingRead More

Location, location, location

With over 3800 different packaging products always held in stock, so that we can dispatch your orders out to you the same day you place them, the Davpack warehouse can be a confusing place for the unwary. Admittedly, I’m speaking as a person with less than no sense of direction,Read More
