Increasing Sales in 4 Steps: Step 2

Step 2

Advertise to your current customers


Continuing our journey on how businesses can increase sales, Step 2 specifically discusses ways a growing business can increase an average order value with straight forward methods such as advertising to existing customers.
It can often be much easier and less costly to advertise to your current customers than investing in generating new leads, as you already know that these customers are interested in your product.

existing customers


Valuable information such as sales figures, stock values and customer feedback can prove to be practical starting points when looking for data on who your customers are and what keeps them loyal to your brand. Conclusions derived from exercises like this can provide quick to implement solutions that will improve a customer’s overall buying journey and keep you ahead of the competition. It’s often the small improvements that make the big difference!

Performed by cookies and website tracking, off the shelf real-time marketing tools such as re-targeting techniques and abandoned basket emails prove to not only increase sales for businesses but act as a useful feedback tool for website owners. These live tools are designed to re-market your brand in front of previously visited customers or contact buyers who have left an ‘abandoned basket’ on your website. These little reminders work in the background in an automated way so targeting your existing customer base can be completed easily.

In order to target and advertise to your customers successfully you need a system to capture data accurately – but also importantly be sure you are capturing personal data responsibly. Learn more about this in Step 3

Away from technological solutions, money-off vouchers, freebies or even follow up phone calls are sociable methods that are commonly used by modern day companies to secure additional sales. These methods create conversations with your customers and build enjoyable experiences. If adopted correctly, these can often prompt customers to purchase again from you instead of your competitors. After all, who doesn’t like an unexpected free gift with their order!



As a growing business, one of the greatest advantages you have is commitment. Lean businesses have greater tenacity to test validations and implement new changes at a much quicker rate than larger brands. And so, when it comes down to introducing new techniques, making the necessary changes and additions can come more easily than you think!

Don’t just stop when a customer has completed their first order – keep the business going!

Lastly, for businesses not already doing so, consider making the most use of customer data by regenerating continued interest at all stages of a customers journey, you can do this by sending out effective email campaigns to your customers who have opted in to receiving marketing material from you. Ask your customers for feedback on these emails and implement new ideas for these too!

Case Study



Mary’s Cake House, a start-up baking brand established from a family kitchen looking to improve the manner in which her cakes are packed for customers…
Following a recent phone call with her packaging supplier, Mary was recommended a few products that could work well with her new range. Confident to make that change thanks to the reasonable packaging quantities of 50 they are sold in, she can switch to the new range on her next order. What made her shopping experience more memorable was despite her using a discount code to get money off her purchases, her order was still eligible for same working day dispatch.  Mary’s regular customers love her cakes but rave more about the personal touches like the company logo on the box and customized Kraft tape to match that has been added to her presentation.

This feedback has grown Mary’s confidence, because she knows that as her business appears more professional people are more inclined to recommend her products and services!

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Rebecca Price

Rebecca is a marketing specialist here at Davpack. Her speciality is making companies visible online. Fan of shopping and beautiful shoes. Davpack

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