Which Protective Packaging Products Should You Use?


Protective packaging products are essential for keeping your products safe from damage during transit and storage. But with the large variety of different types, of protective packaging, how do you know which type to choose? We’ve put this guide together to try and help you identify the best protective packaging solution for your needs.

Bubble wrap packaging

Bubble wrap is probably one of the most well-known types of protective packaging products and is very versatile in its uses. Bubble wrap can be used to wrap a variety of different shaped and sized products and offers high amounts of shock absorption making it great for protecting particularly delicate items such as vases, glasses, consumer electronics and bulky items. It can come in a variety of different styles including large/small bubbles, anti-static bubble and bubble bags to name a few.

Bubble Wrap

Loose-fill packaging 

Another of the more well-known types of protective packaging products but with a very different use. As its name suggests, loose-fill packaging is used for filling out empty spaces in boxes and helps to stop products rattling around as well as adding a degree of padding to the contents to protect against impacts. The main types of loose-fill packaging that we sell at Davpack are polystyrene and an innovative paper alternative that is biodegradable and recyclable.

Loose Fill

Kraft paper rolls and sheets

This category of protective packaging is one of our most eco-friendly options as it doesn’t contain plastic and uses materials that are easy to recycle and are completely biodegradable. Kraft paper is commonly used to fill out empty spaces in boxes and provides some shock absorption, similarly to loose-fill and with the help of specific machines to crumple the paper, it can make it very efficient to use and effective at padding your products inside your parcels. Another popular paper-based choice is corrugated paper which is great for separating items and providing some cushioning from the corrugation.

Kraft Paper Rolls

Edge and corner protection

Exactly as the name suggests, this type of protective packaging is used for keeping edges and corners of products protected. These items are great at protecting vulnerable points on products that are likely to get hit and damaged during the delivery process. As well as protecting against impacts, they’re also good at helping to prevent sharp corners from breaking through their packaging and damaging the integrity of the boxes that encase your products. This type of packaging is commonly either made from cardboard or foam and can come in a variety of styles.

Cardboard Edge Protectors

Air Cushioning

Air cushioning is a type of protective packaging starts as a flat film that is rolled up and later inflated when needed. This makes air cushion packaging a popular choice for those who want to save space as many of the other types of protective packaging can be bulky and composed largely of air. Once the film is inflated it creates pockets of air that can act well at bracing products in boxes as well as absorbing shock. Some variations of this type of protective packaging are also meant to encase the product and provide excellent protection to them.

Air Cushion Packaging


We hope you now have a better understanding of the different types of protective packaging and how they are used. Here at Davpack, we have a huge range of protective packaging products, so you’re bound to find something that suits your specific needs. If you need any further advice on the best protective packaging products for you, give us a call on 01332 821200 or email us at sales@davpack.co.uk.

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Rick Stanford

Rick has been a salesman in the packaging supplies business for more than thirty years. Now semi-retired, he divides his time between tending his allotment in north Devon, getting depressed at the continuing travails of his home-town football club Macclesfield Town, and sharing his considerable experience and knowledge with the readers of the Davpack blog. Davpack

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