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Removal Boxes from Davpack


Anything that helps make house moving easier shouldbe grasped with both hands...

You can’t literally grasp this infographic with both hands, but you can bookmark it, which is at least as good. Because we think it contains some very useful information worth keeping, which could help make the experience a lot less taxing.

There are, of course, many aspects of a house move we can’t do much about. We can’t help you get your mortgage sorted, encourage your solicitor to work either faster or cheaper, or get your broadband provider to connect you within six weeks of you moving in.

What we can do is apply some of our considerable knowledge about packaging to the problem of ensuring your life and your belongings are packed sensibly, safely and securely for the journey to your new home.

You’ll find an in-depth blog on the subject by clicking here, or just use this handy guide to help you find the right cardboard boxes, tape and protective packaging to get the job done, as well as some handy hints about how to organise yourself and make the process as straightforward and pain-free as it’s ever going to be.

To see Davpack’s complete range of special house moving solutions, take a look at the Removal Boxes and Packaging section of our website, or for more advice, you can always call us on 01332 821200.